Boys, boys, boys... What to do?

Anyone who has tried to wrangle three teen (or near teen) boys together for a family photograph knows.... it's not something they're generally excited about. "What? Do we have to????" can be heard rising above the sound of their exasperated breath. But... these boys met their match. :) They'd never been in front of my camera before, and I was up for the challenge! I promised not to make them smile, or ask them to say those dreaded 'cheese' words. Nope. They could pretty much do whatever they wanted. So, I put on my game face and extracted these images from deep within their clutches. :) After awhile, I dare say they enjoyed themselves!

Mission accomplished.nebraska_photographer_01


Evidence of fun having....


Mom and Dad sneaking a moment for themselves...


Thanks for the opportunity guys! I hope your weekend getaway was everything you hoped! :)