Down the Aisle: Tara + Chris

I just adore this couple. Yes, just simply adore them. They are fun, funky and so wonderfully easy going! Here's a sneak peek at Tara's dress... I was *lovin'* the rhinestone broach in the middle! Isn't that fab??? licnoln_nebraska_wedding_photographer_01

Her hands waited patiently in her lap while she got her make-up done....  I love how although she was quite calm and super chill all morning long, you can see the anticipation in her hands.....


Chris sent over a gift for Tara along with a card that made her laugh.... (recalling some funny business from the night before.... I'll just leave it at that. If you want to know the whole story, you'll have to ask them!)


These are the same red shoes Tara wore for their engagement shoot last year. (Albeit a newer, scuff-free pair.) When she told me she was going to wear red shoes, I knew I was in for a treat! :)


Don't you love the on-lookers above in the balcony? Ha ha ha! :)


Chris was sporting Husker argyle socks.... which he gifted to his groomsmen as well..... (coming up down below!)


Tara's super fab dress was nothing short of gorgeous..... she wore it like no one else could! I love this shot of the back....


She is just *so* gorgeous! Look at those eyes!


I just love this one....


I love the mix of rhinestones, feathers, and beads in her bouquet!


Wind has a knack for popping up at opportune moments sometimes! How cute is *this*?


I love the next two images for different reasons.... and couldn't decide between them.... so I broke down and am including both. :)


Chris didn't ask for much. He was a good sport all day, going along with pretty much anything I asked. The *one thing* he did make a point to let me know, was that he wanted a shot of him and the guys with their argyle socks. The only catch was, we had to somehow include Memorial Stadium. With the reception right across the street at Champions Club, it was a piece-o-cake. You got it Chris! :)


More husker fun....


Yes! Love this!


And here's a cherry on top! :)


On to the party! (Look at that beautiful (and delicious!) cake!)


Several different tables featured vintage portraits from Chris & Tara's extended family members. I love this tradition that seems to be popping up more and more. It's always fun to think that someday, when Chris & Tara are grandparents (or great-grandparents!) one of their images might end up at a wedding reception for their grandson/daughter somewhere. How would they ever choose which one??????? :)


Here's one of Chris's dad (I'm fairly certain). Aren't those tuxedos rad? How fun it would be to show up at a wedding and see the guys dressed like that!


I love Tara's expressive face...


Hooray for the feather in the hair!!!

licnoln_nebraska_wedding_photographer_22I can't believe your day was finally here! It seems like forEVER ago that I first got to work with you for engagement photos... and now the two of you are a new family, making history today! I'm so thrilled to have been entrusted with capturing your day.... and hope you cherish these images for years and years to come!!!! xoxoxoxo