Just Because...

Because you can. Because it's fun. Because tomorrow is Tuesday (or... as I write this, tomorrow is Sunday). Andy called me up (actually, he emailed me....) and asked me to book a shoot as a b-day surprise for his sweetheart. These two cutie pies are young college pups who just wanted to have some radtastic photos together. That's about as much 'because' as ya really need. Way to rock it out you two!

(ummmm.... is she super model gorgeous, or what!?)


Lovin' that scarf! I also was touched by the incredibly gentle way Andy has about him. He is an ever doting boyfriend. Always sure to open doors, etc.... appears that he is quite smitten!


and the shoes.... ;)


Their 'just because' shoot took us to a carousel. Color me excited! That was a welcomed surprise!


Andy had some very definite ideas about what he wanted.... here's my loose interpretation of one of them.


Cute as a button!


You two are adorable. Thank you so much for thinking of me for such a great shoot!